Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How it all began...

I'm starting this blog a little late but since the journey to recovery is still a long ways ahead, I thought it's better late than never to log my injury and recovery for those who may experience an Achilles' tendon rupture in the future.

Just a little bit about me: I'm a very, very active person who grew up playing a lot of sports including basketball, volleyball and also figure skated for 9 years. After high school, I didn't play a lot of team sports anymore but I've always been quite the gym rat. I focus a lot on training and diet and right before my injury, I had been going pretty hard for months doing a lot of weight training, taebo and yoga. I was in the best shape I had been in a while and felt great. 

I was living in Korea for the past 4 and a half years and I just made the move back home to Canada at the beginning of June. I was so excited to be back and couldn't wait to do a whole bunch of fun and active things. My boyfriend is a sports fanatic as well and we couldn't wait to play together. We spent a few days just throwing a football around and rallying back and forth with a volleyball in the park. I really wanted to PLAY volleyball and we happened to find out that the community centre right near my place had open volleyball every Tuesday night.

So on Tuesday, June 11th, 2013, we decided to go. I had already bought new (pink) knee pads and everything, and was so excited to get on the courts.  However, literally within 5-10 minutes of playing, I felt a sudden sharp pain at the back of my left ankle.  It felt as if someone had kicked me really hard and I felt a pop.  I looked around to see what happened, if someone had kicked me or if the ball from the other court came and hit me by accident...but nothing.  I limped off the court and I couldn't even stand anymore.  The pain started to get worse.  So we went to the hospital.

We got there around 9:30pm or so, I think, and didn't get out til around 1am.  Emergency said that I would have to come back to see a specialist in a week or so but for now, I needed to wear an Aircast (cost: $200) and use crutches (cost: $50).  And parking at a hospital is complete highway robbery (cost: $17) so needless to say, already at this point, it's been a very expensive volleyball game.

My parents told me to come home until the next appointment so my boyfriend drove me up there (5 and half hours north) and on the way, we made a little pitstop at Costco.  I must admit, this has been the ONLY perk from this injury: driving around in a motorized wheelchair.

Below are photos of how swollen the foot got and the internal blood that was pooling near the bottom of my foot:

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